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Hybrid Workshop on Immersive Cartography / Cartography for Immersive Environments

Monday 13 December 2021, 14.00-18.45

University of Florence, building in Via Laura, 48

The workshop considers an understudied map use context: the use of maps to explore, interact with, and understand immersive virtual geographic environments. It’s unclear what current map design principles transfer well to immersive virtual environments (Griffin, White, et al., 2017) or what methods of map interactions might best support the uses of maps in such contexts. Roth et al. (2017) addressed the research methods needed to study immersive map uses in ecologically valid ways. This workshop aims to focus attention on such issues and better understand and support the design, use, and broader implications for maps within immersive virtual environments.

The workshop represents a cross-disciplinary platform intended to share and exchange knowledge between specialists in cartography, geoinformatics, psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, informatics, and related fields.


Workshop topics

  • Immersive Virtual Environments
  • Immersive Cartography
  • User Experience and Virtual Reality
  • Virtual Geographic Environments
  • User Studies related to Immersive Environments



Please register to participate in the Joint Commission Workshop "Immersive Cartography / Cartography for Immersive Environments" co-sponsored by the UX Commission at:

IMPORTANT: For those of you who are planning in-person attendance in Florence, please register before 30 November. We received news that all workshops organized at the University of Florence require early registration due to the COVID-19 pandemic. To access the University of Florence during the workshops and main conference, you will need to obtain a QR code issued by Unifi for each day of access to support contagion control. Thus, beyond the green pass issued by the health authorities, you also will need the QR code generated specifically for each day of access.

Program (coming soon)


Dr. Petr Kubíček

Dr. Pyry Kettunen

Dr. Amy Griffin

Masaryk University

Finnish Geospatial Research Institute (FGI, NLS)

RMIT University

ICA Commission on Cognitive Issues in Geographic Information Visualization


Dr. Zdeněk Stachoň

Prof. Rob Roth

Masaryk University

University of Wisconsin Madison

ICA Commission on User Experience


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