1st Asian Cartographic Conference (AsiaCarto 2024), December 8-10, 2024, Hong Kong, China. The conference on Cartography and Geospatial AI is organized by the ICA and The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU).
Call for papers and information: asiacarto.org/2024/
RIMMA2025, RIMMA2025 - International Conference on Forecasting, Preparedness, Warning, and Response: Visualization, Communication, and Information Management. January 28-31, 2025, University of Bern, Switzerland. The conference will feature a session organized by the ICA CogVis Commission and the Swiss Cartographic Society. RIMMA2025 Programme
Dresden Nexus Conference – The Future of Resources – Resources for the Future. April 8-10, 2025. Dresden Germany. Dresden Nexus Conference
19th International Conference on Location Based Services (LBS 2025), May 7-9, 2025, Otaniemi, Espoo, Finland
Call for papers and information: lbs2025.lbsconference.org
32nd International Cartographic Conference (ICC 2025), Augsut 16 - 22, 2025, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
Call for papers and information: icc2025.com/
Past meetings
22nd Cognition and Artificial Life and the 1st Central Europe Conference on Eye-tracking, organized by the Department of Geoinformatics at Palacký University Olomouc and the Department of Information and Library Studies, Masaryk University, Brno. Both conferences are located in the same venue simultaneously, and participants can attend both.
Conference Dates and Venue: May 15 – 17, 2024, Olomouc, Czech Republic
Detailed information and all updates are available on the official website: www.cal-cece.eu
You can contact the organizers at calcece2024@gmail.com.
Geoinformatics Research Days 2024, Espoo, Finland, May 20 – 21, 2024. The CogVis commission collaborates with the Finnish University Network for Geoinformatics (Fiuginet) in internationalizing the earlier national small-scale conference.
Call for papers and information: https://geoinformaticsdays.geoportti.fi/en/latest/
The 9th International Conference on Cartography and GIS will take place in Nessebar, Bulgaria, June 16 – 21, 2024.
More information: iccgis2020.cartography-gis.com
Workshop on Analytical Reasoning: Cartography, Visualization, Design, co-organised with the ICA Commission on User Experience and the ICA Commission on Visual Analytics together with the University of Warsaw Department of Geoinformatics, Cartography and Remote Sensing.
This oft-postponed an long-delayed workshop (due to COVID) will finally be realized on Saturday 7 September 2024 in Warsaw, Poland. Keep your eye on this page for the most up-to-date information.
Workshop on MapAI, co-organised with the ICA Commission on Visual Analytics, 12 August, Stellenbosch, South Africa. See the workshop website for the full program. Videos of the lightning talks are available here.
Commission-themed sessions at the International Cartographic Conference 2023, Cape Town, South Africa. CogVis session are on Monday 14 August (sessions 5E, 8E, 9F, 10E, 12E), Wednesday 16 August (29C). See the conference program for talk titles and session locations.
ICC 2021, 30th International Cartographic Conference, 14-18 December, Florence, Italy. The conference was a hybrid conference because of the travel restriction uncertainties.
The Commission co-hosted two workshops on Monday 13 December. Details can be found at the links below:
Sessions on Spatial Cognition in the Mobile Era at the 28th Chinese Professionals in Geographic Information Sciences Conference in Nanchang, China, 3-5 November, details available at the conference website.
Workshop on CYBERCARTOGRAPHY: A Beyond State-of-the-Art Role of Geovisualization in the Understanding of the World, 8 June 2021, 10:45-15:00 CET + 1. This workshop provides the opportunity to interact with members of AGILE, ICA and ISPRS. More details are available at the workshop website.
Workshop on Adaptable Research Methods for Empirical Research with Map Users, co-organised with the ICA Commission on User Experience, 6 May, online workshop. (workshop website)
All planned in-person events were postponed due to COVID-19.
Pre-conference Workshop on "User Experience Design for Mobile Cartography: Setting the Research Agenda", Beijing, China, 11-12 July 2019.
(workshop website)
Pre-conference Workshop on "Abstractions, Scales, Perceptions", Tokyo, Japan, 15 July 2019.
(workshop website)
CogViz paper sessions on Tuesday 16 July and Wednesday 17 July at ICC 2019, Tokyo, Japan. See sessions labeled T06 in the conference programme.
Commission meeting on the topic of "Repoducibility in Cartography", in Olomouc, Czech Republic, 27 April 2018. This one-day workshop is being coorganised with the ISPRS WG IV/9 - Geovisualization, Augmented and Virtual Reality and the ICA Commisson on Use, Users and Usability Issues. (programme/summary of activities)
"Atlases, Cognition, Usability," joint workshop with the Commission on Atlases and the Commission on Use, User and Usability Issues in Olomouc, Czech Republic, 28-30 April, 2018. (workshop website)
Pre-conference workshop on Maps and Emotion (CFP), organised with the Commissions on Art & Cartography and Topographic Mapping, July 1-2, 2017, Washington, D.C., USA (program).
Series of sessions on cognitive issues in visualization at the ICC 2017 in Washington, D.C., USA, July 3-7, 2017. Check out the programme here. CogVis sessions were on Monday and Tuesday.
Follow-up workshop to complete draft research agendas from Envisioning the Future of Interactive Cartography Research Workshop, begun in Curitiba, Brazil in 2015. San Francisco, CA, March 29, 2016.
Paper sessions on Cognition, Behavior, and Design at the Association of the American Geographers (AAG) Annnual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, March 29-April 2, 2016. In conjunction with the ICA Commission on Use, Users and Usability.
Series of sessions on cognitive issues in visualization at the ICC 2015 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Aug. 23-28, 2015. Check out the ICC 2015 conference program and papers here. Notes from the CogVis business meeting are available here.
Photo Credit: Charlotte Hoarau.
2-day pre-conference workshop in Curitiba (BRA), at the Paraná Federal University (UFPR), Aug. 20-21, 2015; in conjunction with the ICA Commissions on Geovisualization, Map Design, and Use and User Issues (UUI). The workshop call and registration information for both workshops is available here. Direct access to content of W1: Designing and Conducting User Studies & W2: Envisioning the Future of Interactive Cartography Research.
A series of sessions on cognitive visualization issues at the ICC 2013 in Dresden. These papers were selected from a record number of submissions. Check out the ICC 2013 conference program here. Notes from the CogVis business meeting are available here.
The Workshop consisted of 4 modules:
.. Module 1a | Methods and techniques of use, user and usability research in geo-information processing and dissemination
(Kristien Ooms & Corné van Elzakker)
.. Module 1b | Improving the usability of pedestrian navigation systems (Ioannis Delikostidis & Corné van Elzakker)
.. Module 2 | Designing your user study or experiment (Amy Griffin)
.. Module 3 | Research instrument integrity (Amy Lobben)
.. Module 4 | Working with the card sorting method (Robert Roth)
Please cite these materials appropriately should you peruse them in any form.