Robinson, A., Kettunen, P., Delazari, L., and Coltekin, A. (2023). Special issue of International Journal of Cartography entitled "New Directions for the State of the Art and Science of Cartography" with review papers in a number of areas of cartographic research and practice. [many papers available open access]
Kubíček, P., and A.L. Griffin. (2019). Special issue of Geografie Journal based on papers presented at the ICA Commissions' joint workshop “Atlases, Cognition, Usability” held in Olomouc (CZ) at Palacký University in April 2018. [open access]
Special Issue of The International Journal of Cartography, Research Agenda papers developed with the Commissions on Visual Analytics; Use, Users and Usability Issues; and Map Design. [open access]
Griffin, A.L., Robinson, A.C., and Roth, R.E. (2017). Envisioning the Future of Interactive Cartography. The International Journal of Cartography, 3(Supplement 1), doi:10.1080/23729333.2017.1316466.
Griffin, A.L., White, T., Fish, C., Tomio, B., Huang, H., Sluter, C.R., Bravo, J.V.M., Fabrikant, S.I., Bleisch, S., Yamada, M., Picanço, P. (2017). Designing across map use contexts: a research agenda. The International Journal of Cartography, 3(Supplement 1), doi:10.1080/23729333.2017.1315988.
Christophe, S. and Çöltekin, A. (eds). (2015). Papers from GeoVIS '15 at ISPRS Geospatial Week ISPRS Annals and ISPRS Archives. Slides from the presentations can be found here.
Davies, C., Fabrikant, S. I. Hegarty, M. (2015). Towards Empirically Verified Cartographic Displays. In: Szalma, J., Scerbo, M., Hancock, P., Parasuraman, R. and Hoffman, R. (Eds). Cambridge Handbook of Applied Perception Research, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, U.K. (to appear January 2015).
Brus, J., Vondrakova, A., Vozenilek, V.. (2015). Modern Trends in Cartography. Selected papers from Cartocon 2014. Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography (LNC&G), Springer, Germany.
Andrienko, G., Fabrikant S. I., Dykes, J., Griffin, A., Schiewe, J. (eds.) (2014). Editorial: GeoViz: Interactive Maps that Help People Think. Special Issue on selected papers from Geoviz Hamburg 2013, International Journal of Geographical Information Science, vol. 28, no. 10: 2009-2012.
Griffin, A., Fabrikant S. I., Kent, A. (2012). Special Issue on Spatial Cognition, Behaviour and Representation. Cartographic Journal, Vol. 49, No. 4.
Fabrikant, S. I., and Lobben, A. (eds.) (2009). Special Issue on Cognitive Issues in Geovisualization. Cartographica, Vol. 44, No. 3.
Fabrikant, S. I., and Lobben, A. (eds.) 2009). Introduction. Special Issue on Cognitive Issues in Geovisualization. Cartographica, Vol. 44, No. 3:139-143.
Slocum, T. A., Blok, C., Jiang, B., Koussoulakou, A., Montello, D. R., Fuhrmann, S., & Hedley, N. R. (2001). Cognitive and usability issues in geovisualization. Cartography and Geographic Information Science, 28, 61-75.